Rotary Club of Global Passport
We are a Rotary club comprised of members from across the globe with a specific focus on International Service and Friendship. We open opportunities for and encourage a diverse membership.
We are registered to and supported by District 6330.
We meet ever Wednesday at 3:00pm (EST).
We volunteer with other Rotary entities in communities around the world.
We pay dues of $200.-US per year which covers Rotary International dues, District 6330 dues and club costs.
We purposely recruit past Rotary Alumni (RYE/Rotaract/Scholars etc), past Rotarians and others who have a passion for International Service and Friendship.
Our charter date is June 18, 2020. Our official name is the Rotary Club of Global Passport (6330), commonly known as Rotary Global Passport.
Our domain name/website is www.RotaryGlobalPassport.org
Our club e-mail address is RotaryGlobalPassport@gmail.com